Students will be issued a Chromebook at the beginning of the school year. Chromebooks must be carried in a backpack. If a student doesn't have a backpack one can be checked out from the school.
The Chromebooks are wireless and may be connected to most Wi-Fi networks.
Most students find that after a few days they are comfortable with using the touch pad on the Chromebook. If you feel you must use a mouse you may do so at your own expense.
Students are responsible for the safety and care of their Chromebook. The school gives parents the opportunity to purchase insurance for the Chromebook. This is highly recommended
The school has monitoring systems in place to discourage students from accessing
unacceptable sites. Infractions will be dealt with appropriately.
Students are responsible for any flagrant damage to the Chromebook.
Do not attempt to install or download additional apps on your machine. If your teacher requires additional apps the school will provide it for you.
The Chromebooks are configured to work with our school settings. Do not make other changes to the machine's operating system.
Keep your Chromebook away from liquids and foods. Also, do not put food and drinks in your backpacks.
Don't leave your Chromebook in your vehicle overnight. They are sensitive to extreme heat and cold.
An unattended Chromebook is a violation. It is the student's responsibility to keep it safe.