USD 363 School Fees and Prices
Pre-K 4 School Fees: $1440.00 / school year -or- $160.00 / month
Educational Materials Fee: ( This fee replaces the old Textbook and Technology fees ) This fee is assessed per student. In order to qualify for a Reduced Educational Materials Fee, you must qualify for the KSDE Free and Reduced Meal Program and have a completed and signed Consent for Disclosure form on file with the Food Service Department. Your Educational Materials Fee will be based on your level of qualification for the KSDE Free and Reduced Meal Program and your students grade level.
Grade Level | Full Price | Qualified for Reduced Price Meals | Qualified for Free Meals |
K-12th Grade | $100.00 | $68.00 | $33.00 |
1 Student | $100.00 | $68.00 | $33.00 |
2 students | $115.00 | $90.00 | $55.00 |
3 or more students | $125.00 | $100.00 | $77.00 |
Fee Structure to Repair Damaged Chromebooks:
First incident needing repair: $25 co-pay from the family.
Second incident: $100 co-pay from the family.
Third incident or any other after the third incident: 100% of the repair cost is charged to the family.
Lost/ Stolen devices: The family will have to pay 100% of the replacement cost.
Intentional abuse: 100% of the repair/ replacement cost is charged to the family.
*In extenuating circumstances, the superintendent or designee may waive/ adjust the fee structure.
Drivers Education: ( optional ) $155.00
Student Athletic Participation Fees: $45 per student/per sport -or- $160.00 family cap
Library Fees: A replacement fee of $10.00 minimum per book will be assessed for any books that are returned to the library damaged and/or are not returned at the end of the school year. The fee for a lost book may be refunded if the book is returned in good condition before the last day of the school year.
Student ID Replacement Fee: There will be a $5.00 fee to replace a lost or damaged Student ID and/or lanyard. Middle School and High School students are required to wear their ID and/or have it visible to all staff at all times. Elementary students are also issued Student IDs. Elementary Student IDs are kept in the classroom by the students homeroom teacher and are used to purchase student meals.
Meal Prices for the 2024-2025 School Year
(Food prices are set annually by KSDE and the USD 363 Board of Education and may be updated as needed.)
Pre-K - 5th grade students:
Breakfast $1.90
Lunch $2.85
Reduced Breakfast $0.30
Reduced Lunch $0.40
A la carte Milk/Milk only $0.50 ( This is a milk purchased by a student who has brought a sack lunch from home. School prepared meals include one milk. )
6th - 12th grade students:
Breakfast $1.95
Lunch $3.20
Reduced Breakfast $0.30
Reduced Lunch $0.40
A la carte Milk/Milk only $0.50 ( This is a milk purchased by a student who has brought a sack lunch from home. School prepared meals include one milk )
Staff and Visitors: ( Adult meals may not be charged to a students account under any circumstances. If you would like to purchase a meal from the cafeteria, please make sure your order is in before 9:00 am or you may be asked to wait until all students have been served before you pick up a meal. Employees should respond to the meal sign up email that is sent out daily by Monica Pena. Visitors should contact the school office to place their meal order before 9:00 am and must pay for their meal in advance, at the schools office, with cash or check made payable to USD 363 Food Service. Please bring exact change if paying with cash as there is no change available in the school offices. )
Breakfast $2.60
Lunch $4.50
9th - 12th grade students, Staff and Visitors: ( Only High School students, Staff and Visitors are allowed to purchase the a la carte items listed below. These items are not covered by the KSDE Free and Reduced Meal Program and must be paid for in full. Students, Staff and Visitors must have funds available in their meal account or must pay cash at the time of service. )*Some of these items are not offered on a daily basis. If offered/available, they can be purchased after regular serving is finished and will be sold on a first come - first served basis.*
Extra Breakfast Entree $1.35 Extra Lunch Entree $1.75
All Side Dishes $0.80 Juice Box $0.50
Milk $0.50 Ranch Dressing $0.35
String Cheese $0.35 Ice Cream Novelties $1.25
Sports Admission Fees
* ALL 7th-12th grade students will get in free to regular season Middle School and High School Games.*
MIDDLE SCHOOL REGULAR GAMES ONLY: There are approximately 24 all sport home games at HMS.
Single game admission = $3.00 per adult $2.00 per child***
All Sport Pass for single person = $25.00
All Sport Pass for family = $50.00
HIGH SCHOOL REGULAR SEASON GAMES ONLY: There are approximately 28 all sport home games at HHS.
Single game admission = $6.00 per adult $4.00 per child***
All Sport Pass for single person = $75.00
All Sport Pass for family = $145.00
All Sport Pass for single person = $90.00
All Sport Pass for family = $180.00
Middle School Regular Season Games Only = $15.00 per person
High School Regular Season Games Only = $30.00 per person
All Middle School and High School Regular Season Games Combined = $40.00 per person