In an effort to improve communication in our district, USD 363 has created this "grapevine" site to provide answers to questions regarding district policy and confirm or deny information that may sometimes circulate through our community.
The district will address these questions and then provide a response on this page for all to see. Please submit your questions regarding district policy in the Google Form below. Questions will be posted on this page for a couple of days, then moved to an archive page or deleted. The answers will come from those best qualified in the district to answer the questions.
For private concerns, rumors, questions about district individuals, or questions requiring extended dialogue, please contact the school or district office by phone. Comments or questions about specific individuals by name will not be addressed in this forum.
Unless you post your name or e-mail address, all postings will remain confidential and anonymous to both the district and to the public.
Please check the Archives section to see if a question on your topic has already been answered or to search for previously asked questions.